We Will Walk With You

Recurring Events

Thrive Groups are the third Saturday of each month at 2:00 PM at Seven Marks Church, 3500 Spring Forest Rd, Raleigh, NC 27616.

Thrivers are the third Saturday of the month at 6:00 PM – location TBD

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Thrive Parent Discussion

  • 2023/08/13
  • 01:00 PM

Join us as we have our monthly parent chat. This month’s “kickoff” topic will be Pre-Employment. We’ll discuss what the schools and other resources have to offer for preparing our young adults for the world of work and participation in the community.


As always, we will have open-ended, moderated discussion on other topics that you bring to the meeting! This is your group and we want to leave space to discuss what’s important to you in this season. Please sign up ahead of time so that we can adequately prepare. Thanks so much!


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