We Will Walk With You

Recurring Events

Thrive Groups are the third Saturday of each month at 2:00 PM at Seven Marks Church, 3500 Spring Forest Rd, Raleigh, NC 27616.

Thrivers are the third Saturday of the month at 6:00 PM – location TBD

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Serve Together: Making Dog Treats

  • 2024/02/27
  • 02:00 PM
  • The Bulla Center

We had such a good time last month making Tie Blankets for the homeless! We’re looking forward to our next Serve Together in partnership with L’Arche NC and would love to have you join us! Details below:

For our second Serve Together event, we will be making dog treats!

What to expect during this afternoon time of service  and fellowship:

1.  We first gather around tables and introduce ourselves. We then ask a get-to-know-you “This or That” question, such as “Do you like Salty or Savory?” or “Do you prefer the mountains or the beach?”🤔

2. Next, we review the project we are making for the day. ✅

3. We create the project together in groups, following the step-by-step directions 🔢 (No prior experience is needed to join us).

4. If we get finished early, we take a break to play games together. 🎲

5. We clean up together and celebrate any exciting news! 🎉



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