We Will Walk With You

Recurring Events

Thrive Groups are the third Saturday of each month at 2:00 PM at Seven Marks Church, 3500 Spring Forest Rd, Raleigh, NC 27616.

Thrivers are the third Saturday of the month at 6:00 PM – location TBD

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September Movie & Pizza Night

  • 2023/09/15
  • 05:30 PM
  • Kraft Family YMCA

Our YASS! group invites young adults with disabilities to join us for a fun Movie Night. Pizza and drinks will be provided for this free event.

Regardless of your disability, you are welcome to hang out with us, make some new friends, and have fun!

Please sign up so we know how much pizza to order and how many chairs and tables to put out to make your evening enjoyable. Thanks – we look forward to meeting you!

Pre-registration via Eventbrite

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